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Rules and Regulations

Revised 4/10/2024



1.    The name of the league is the Northern Twi League, referred to hereinafter as the League


2.     The League is a non-profit organization and its purpose is to provide golf competition and good fellowship.


3.    The League is currently comprised of (18) Country and Golf Clubs. Each Club will be scheduled for 12 matches per year on a rotating schedule.


4.    Each Club will designate a minimum of (3) three of its members as Captains, with one such Captain designated as the Club’s Head Captain to receive all notices and League information.


5.    Each club has one vote per motion, regardless of the number of Captains in attendance from a club.


6.    There are presently 18 clubs in the League. Two-thirds of the League membership (12) clubs constitutes a quorum,


7.    Effective with the 2024 season, and each season thereafter unless otherwise amended, the then current Executive Committee under the direction of the Chairman of such committee will hear any dispute presented to them. They will make every attempt to resolve any dispute in a reasonable and fair manor. In the event that a dispute relates to an un-played match, the Committee shall make all attempts to have the match in question played. In the event that a dispute concerns a club represented by one of the Executive Committee Members, that individual must recuse himself and will be replaced by the second prior host captain. 


8.    In October of 2006 it was voted that the League reduce the number of Captain’s Meetings as follows: The League shall hold (2) two Captain’s Meetings and a Field Day Meeting for a total of (3) three Meetings. In December 2022 it was voted that commencing in 2023 the League will hold one Captain’s Day and a Field Day for a total of two meetings. This will have no effect on non-golf organizational meetings. It was noted that the rotational chart included in the Field Day Section will be revised at a future date.


1.    The Management of the League shall be the responsibility of the current host captain who will act as Chairman of the Executive Committee starting with the 2024 season and continuing thereafter. He will preside over all league matters and meetings and shall designate a captain or captains from his club to fill the positions of Treasurer and Secretary. 
The Executive Committee will be an advisory committee to the host captain. It will consist of three captains: the current season host captain, the prior season host captain and the next season host captain. Captains will rotate on and off this committee alphabetically by club. Should a prior host captain be unavailable to serve on the Executive Committee, he will be replaced by the second prior host captain.


2.    The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall preside at all meetings and have the Secretary take minutes at league meetings and the Treasurer record all league cash receipts and disbursements. As soon as possible after the conclusion of the season, the Chairman shall turn over to the succeeding managing host club all funds, books and records. Such records will include a financial statement for the year and computer files for schedules, rosters, scoring and procedures most of which may also be on the web site.

3.    Annual dues of $400.00 shall be payable by each club to the League treasurer upon receipt of invoice. A portion of the dues will be used to pay for food and drink (including gratuity/club charge) of each club's Golf Professional at the Field Day.


4.    Following Sub Committees would report to the NTWI Executive Committee:

A.    Golf Genius/ Web Site Committee- Purpose is to maintain scoring matches in Golf Genius. Update match results and rescheduled matches. Update standings on NTWI web site on  a weekly basis. Maintain the NTWI website with updated Captain’s contact information and other NTWI website matters. Committee should consist of 2-3 members appointed and approved by the NTWI Executive Committee.

B.    Scheduling Committee: Purpose is to prepare NTWI scheduled matches/dates for upcoming season and for future years. Committee should consist of 2-3 Captains appointed and approved by the NTWI Executive Committee.



1.    The League Host Club shall determine the dates for the two Captain’s Meetings and one Field Day meeting. Schedule attached.


2.    A meeting shall be held in the fall/winter at the new Host Club. The previous year’s Host Club Captains shall pass along all pertinent information to the incoming Host Club.


3.    The new year’s schedule should be sent to each club no later than early March.


4.    It is incumbent on every club to transmit its list of Captains names along with related phone numbers and e-mail addresses as soon as possible but no later than March of each season to the head Captain of the new year’s host club.


5.    Notice of meetings and sign-up procedures shall be e-mailed to the Head Captain of each club in advance of each meeting. Captains should respond in a timely manner to each notice.


6.    Each managing club shall provide copies of all League rules and regulations to each club via e-mail. This information may also be available on the League’s web site


7.    A minimum of one Captain or substitute player from each club must attend business meetings. If no such player attends, that club shall incur a fine of $70.00. Fines will be billed by the Host club at the same time it bills Captains in attendance.


8.    Non-Captain substitute players are permitted with a limit of (4) four players per club. All clubs are encouraged to have (4) four Captains or substitutes present at all business meetings to justify the Host club’s use of the facilities.


9.    There will be liquid refreshments, hors d’oeuvres and dinner prior to each business meeting, served by the designated host club.


10.    The cost of the dinner meetings shall be billed to those in attendance by the designated host club via a $70.00 charge plus tax and gratuity, all kept by the designated host club for food and drink.


11.    Captains or substitutes playing golf but not attending the meeting/dinner will be charged the full rate.


12.    Attire shall be “Country Club Casual” (Slacks, Collared Shirts, Shoes & Socks) – No Jeans or Sneakers. Captains are responsible to make substitutes aware of the dress code. Those who prefer may still wear jacket and tie.


13.    If a person has served as a Club Captain for a minimum of (10) ten years, that Captain may play at his MGA handicap (not to exceed 36) at all business meetings.



1.    On the afternoon of each meeting during the golf season, Captains are invited to play golf, weather permitting, at the host club course.


2.    Golf shall start at 1:30 pm, unless otherwise stipulated by the club hosting the meeting.


3.    There will be no greens fees charge but each Captain/substitute player will be responsible for his tournament fees and cart/caddie fees.


4.    The Pro Shop (or Captain) of the Host Club should be contacted well in advance, in accordance with host club requirements and be given the names and indexes of those who plan to play golf and/or attend the dinner meeting.



1. The League presently consists of 18 clubs with 12 matches being played yearly.




The procedures and rules regarding the play of scheduled matches with other clubs are as follows:

1.    USGA/WGA Rules govern all play. (Local exception rules allowed)


2.    Each club will consist of 5 four-ball teams.


3.    The match between each foursome will be played on the basis of 1 point per hole or a total of 18 points for the entire match. The teams will therefore compete for a total of 90 points in each team match.


4.    All matches will be played from the tee markers most commonly played by men at the host Club. These tees must be used by such club for all League matches for the entire season. Prior to the start of each season the Host club asks each Club of the tees such club will use for the season and the course rating and slope for such tees.


5.    The use of portable yardage measuring devices is permitted. If used they must be shared with all players in the match.


6.    The team roster with USGA indexes must be provided to the host club pro shop as soon as possible on the day of the match. It would be nice to confirm matches by telephone to the home pro shop two days prior to the match. Except for the League Championship match, the Captain of the day for the home Club shall decide the pairings of its team with the pairings submitted by the visiting Club in its roster and, in addition, the order of play for all pairings. For the League Championship match, each Club competing in such match shall submit its pairings in playing order number to the Host Club pro shop the day before the day of the match and such order shall be the order of play for the pairings in the Championship match.


7.    The home team Captain has the right to call off a match due to inclement weather but must notify the opposing Captain and his own pro shop no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the match.


8.    A player is able to play in a Home match if that player's current home course handicap at 100% for the tee markers used by such Home club for matches is at least 5 on the day before such match and is at least 4 on the day of such match. A player is able to play in an Away match if that player’s handicap at 100% for the tee markers used by such Away club is at least 5 on the day before such match and is at least 4 on the day of such match or if that player’s current home course handicap at 100% for the tee markers used by such player’s Home club for matches is at least 5 on the day before such match and is at least 4 on the day of such match. Players for any match having more than a current handicap of 24 for such match must play at 24 before computing the differences in handicap. The maximum number of strokes given for any match will be 18.


9.    Handicaps and handicap allowances are to be computed at 90% and otherwise as under the WHS/R&A/USGA handicap system and, for matches, using the player’s index on the day of the match and the slope and course rating of the course being played for the match.


10.    All team matches must start no later than (15) minutes after the posted time. If one member of a team is not present or ready to start, his partner must start and play the best ball of the opposing team. If neither member of a team is present or ready to start by (15) minutes after the posted time, the match will be defaulted and the opposing team will be credited with (18) points, except by mutual agreement of opposing Captains as to a later starting time. Captains may agree to rearrange matches so that all matches are started without losing a tee time.


11.    Incomplete Teams: Any team with less than (10) players must spread players so that each opposing two-man team will have at least one opponent to play.


12.    Interruption of play: Matches interrupted by the elements with continuance not possible must be replayed. However, if all teams have completed nine holes at the time of the interruption of play, the match will be deemed to be complete. Points will be determined by the scores at the time of the interruption and all un-played holes shall be halved. If all teams have not completed nine holes the match must be re-scheduled. If either team believes it has been harmed by any other circumstance in which the match could not be rescheduled and/or replayeld, such team may request other resolution from the Grievance Committee.


13.    Pace of Play: At the Winter Meeting in December 2022, it was voted and approved that Pace of play be more strongly monitored and enforced for all matches starting in 2023.

Pace of Play for each match shall follow the Pace of Play policies of the host club and such club’s Pro Shop Staff shall be solely responsible to monitor play and enforce those policies. The League recommends that if one or more groups is deemed to be out of position as determined by the host club’s Pro Shop Staff, such group(s) shall be given a warning if appropriate, given time to regain position, and shall be told the conditions for how position shall be regained. If  a group does not regain position under the conditions specified, the Pro Shop Staff may require such group to move ahead by skipping a hole or holes, as determined  by the Pro Shop Staff. If this occurs, any holes so skipped shall be scored as halved holes for determining the match score.

In addition, it is recommended that, prior to the start of each match, the starter for each match should describe the Pace of Play policy for the match and point out the provision for skipping a hole or holes and counting any holes so skipped as halved holes. Any additional form of communication by the host club Pro Shop Staff which might emphasize the renewed emphasis by the League on Pace of Play is encouraged.


14.    Under no circumstances can any player under 21 years of age participate in team play.


15.    Immediately after each match, the results of such matches must be reported to the managing club according to procedures established by the managing club. Both clubs should report the results for consistency and completeness.


16.    Standings: It is the responsibility of the managing club to assure that current standings of the League are maintained and distributed on a timely basis, based on the reported results.


17.    The Winner of the League:

A play-off system was voted for in October, 2006. It was voted that the League Champion would be determined by a two round play-off of the four teams with the highest average points per match for the season. In December,2017 it was voted that the playoffs would be expanded to the eight teams with the highest average points for the season that have completed all their matches by the third Friday of August in any year. All matches must be completed by the third Friday of August in any year in order for a Club to be eligible for the playoffs. In a meeting on March 11,2022 it was voted that commencing with the 2022 season a player must have played in at least one regular season match for that year in order to be eligible to play in any playoff match for that year.

In the first round, the Club with the highest average points shall host the team with the eighth highest average points, the Club with the second highest average points shall host the Club with the seventh highest average points, the Club with the third highest average points shall host the Club with the sixth highest average points, and the Club with the fourth highest average points shall host the Club with the fifth highest average points. The first round of the playoffs must be completed by the Friday after Labor Day.

In the second round, of the four Clubs who won their first round match, the Club with the highest average points shall host the Club with the fourth highest average points and the Club with the second highest average points shall host the Club with the third highest average points. The second round of the playoffs must be completed by the third Friday in September in any year.

For the first and second round, the host club will bill all visiting players at the rate in paragraph 10 in the MEETINGS (BUSINESS) section for food and drink and will bill visiting players who take carts at the rate of the host club.

In the third round, the winners of the second round shall play for the League Championship at the managing Club’s course. Such match shall be played on the Field Day unless, most likely for weather reasons, such Field Day is not held. If the Field Day is not held, the managing club and the winners of the third round of the playoffs shall schedule a mutually convenient day for such match.

If the two Clubs competing in the League Championship do not compete at the managing Club’s course the day of the Field Day, such Clubs shall have the course, dining and liquid refreshments available to them, but have their home course accounts billed for food, beverages and cart fees. Field day rules apply otherwise.


In the event of ties for play-off positions, the winner will be determined as follows:


To Get Into the Playoffs- Tiebreak order


1. The club with the best win/loss record against the other club(s) who are tied has higher ranking.


2. The club with the best win/loss record against common opponents of the other club(s) who are tied has higher ranking.


3. The club with the highest point total against common opponents of the club(s) who are tied has the higher ranking


4. Coin flip.


For a Playoff Match-Tiebreak order

1. The club that has won the most points for the last 9 holes for each match is the winner. If tied then proceed to 2.


2. The club that has won the most points for the last 6 holes for each match is the winner. If tied then proceed to 3.


3. The club that has won the most points for the last 3 holes for each match is the winner. If tied then proceed to 4.


4. The club that has won the most points on the last hole for each match is the winner. If tied then proceed to 5.


5. Coin flip


If clubs were not able to complete their regular season matches prior to the end of the season, they may do so at any point afterward for completeness but the scores will not count. The League Captain in consultation with the Grievance Committee shall resolve issues, if any, caused by weather or other circumstances which may arise if regular season or playoff matches are not completed by the dates specified earlier in this paragraph 16.


18.    In the event of postponements, the home club is responsible for rescheduling the match.


19.    All matches should be played to enable the visiting club to collect funds from its players to offset the cost of their home matches.


20.    A match may be mutually cancelled, provided it has no effect in determining the League winner.


21.    In the event that either team does not show up for a scheduled match, a monetary penalty shall be assessed. This is to be closely monitored and the amount will be determined by the Grievance Committee.


22.    As methods of communicating evolve, e-mail and voice mail are becoming more accepted methods of scheduling matches; however, it is recommended that final resolution be done on an actual person-to-person contact basis.


23.    Commencing in 2018, for any regular season match, the host Club shall bill only its players for Golf fees/Carts and dinner the rate(s) established by the host Club.


24.    Commencing in 2018, for any regular season match, the visiting Club shall bill its players for Golf fee/Carts and dinner the rate(s) established by the visiting club.



Beginning in 2020, the League shall award $500.00 to the League Winner each year in lieu of a plaque. The winning club shall make its own arrangements for obtaining a plaque.



1.    The managing club shall conduct a Field Day at its course during the last week in September with a Friday in September.


2.    A commemorative gift not exceeding $75 should be given to all Captains with a maximum of 5 per club. The costs of all gifts and merchandise will be paid out of the League Treasury, with the total expenditures based solely on the amount of funds available.


3.    The Field Day shall include a tournament for attending Captains with the format established by the managing club.


4.    Awards shall be given to the winning foursomes and individuals based upon the golf tournament.


5.    The total expenses of the Field Day should be limited to the extent that every effort is made to turn over a sum of at least $250.00 to the succeeding managing club for the following year’s operation.


6.    A cocktail hour, including hors d’oeuvres and dinner will follow the Field Day Tournament. The cost of the dinner will be borne by the Field Day participants per paragraph 10. in the MEETINGS (BUSINESS) section. The cost of carts will be borne by the Field day participants per paragraph 3. in the MEETINGS GOLF section. Field day prizes and the award to the League winner will be made after dinner.


7.    The League should invite a professional from each Club to participate in the Field Day Pro-am. The pro will team up with up his Club’s captains and be eligible to win a low gross cash prize. $1500 should be allocated from league funds and be distributed to the five Professionals with the lowest gross score. Amounts shall be $500 for the lowest, $400 for the second lowest, $300 for the third lowest, $200 for the fourth lowest, and $100 for the fifth lowest.


8.    Captains Day Rotation; Each club hosts three events every eighteen years. It is noted the chart following will be revised starting with 2023 to reflect the vote in December 2022 to reduce the number of captain’s Days to one. On an ongoing basis each club will host 2 events in any 18-year period- a Captain’s Day and a Field Day as presented below.



Host Club
Proposed Captain's Day
Charles River
Covid - No matches
Meadow Brook
Bear Hill
Brae Burn
Charles River
Meadow Brook
Bear Hill
Brae Burn

** Note:  In 2021 Kernwood was the Host Club but the Field Day was held at Oakley. In 2024 when Oakley is the Host Club, the Field Day will be held at Kernwood.

© 2024 by Northern Twi League

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